Monday, September 16, 2013

Coming soon...

With the rapidly approaching onset of Fall, I'm officially through my summer break, and the good news is that I did quite a bit of caching recently and have a lot more to write about!

Recent caching adventures include:
  • A successful Geocaching event with the local Cub Scout troop.  This event was neat on several levels, but from the perspective of this blog I think the most interesting part will be how I made GPX files with my practice caches, and copies of the handouts that I made.
  • My first Earth Cache, found on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
  • Cache finds in Maryland and Virginia, bringing me up to 5 states.
  • Several frustrating near-FTFs, and Jack's first actual FTF.
And more!

Step one will be for me to copy all of the pictures I took off of my camera, so once that's done I'll start posting again.  It's good to be back!